What to expect on your first visit
If you have been referred to our surgery and have booked an appointment *Please note that you will need to confirm your appointment one week prior to appointment.
Some testing may be ordered before the first consult, in which case patients will be informed of when they come to their appointment.
No preparation is required for your first office visit. Please go to the 5th Floor of the Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre located at 1775 Laurel Street in Vancouver, once you have arrived please register at the front desk.
For the appointment, please bring with you your care card and a list of any medications that you take. You are welcome to bring one person with you to the appointment.
Please note that you can expect to be in the office for at least 1-2 hours. We do our best to run on time but due to the nature of Dr. Segedi practice, she may be required to take urgent phone calls.
For any questions or concerns regarding your first appointment, please email Jessica Gaunt at